
Sunday-Cute Quote

Cutest quote I've ever heard in my life.

"Somewhere, there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile. So when you are lonely, remember it's true; somebody somewhere is thinking of you."

I don't know who it's by, but I hope it made someone's day... :)


Saturday-Funny Video

Haha this is funny. But it's random...


Enjoy...I guess.

Have a good day... :)



This is just pretty, and I thought you might want to hear it.

"Life is too short to be anything but happy. 
Moments are too fleeting to do anything but make the most of them. 
A real smile is too beautiful not to return. 
And real love is too special to ever turn your back on."

Anyways, yeah...hope it made someone happy!!!



I have to write a math contest this morning. I cannot do math, and I find it horribly difficult. I could use a laugh, and I thought maybe everyone else could, too.

The Things You Don't Want to Hear While in Surgery:

"Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy."

"Someone call the janitor - we're going to need a mop."

"Accept this sacrifice, O Great Lord of Darkness"

"Bo! Bo! Come back with that! Bad Dog!"

"Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what's that?"

"Hand me that...uh...that uh.....thingie."

"Oh no! I just lost my Rolex."

"Oops! Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?"

"Damn, there go the lights again...."

"Ya know, there's big money in kidneys. Hell, the guy's got two of them."

"What do you mean you want a divorce?" 





This is the cover to Lady Gaga's song Born This Way. It is sung by ten-year-old Maria Aragon. Because I happened to be born in Canada, it just made my day to see a little girl from Winnipeg doing her thing and singing a song she loves.

If you haven't heard this, copy and paste the link below. You won't be sorry. Nobody can HELP but smile when they watch this.


Have a wonderful day, all!


Well, then...Hello.

Hi! Okay, so this is my first time ever using a blog. Some people might find that sort of lame, I know. The truth is, I've always been more partial to a diary or a journal, but never really a blog. I guess this is sort of my way of sharing who I am.

Basically, my entire life is based around WRITING.

I want to be a writer. Not really a journalist, or a playwright, or a lyricist, or anything in that nature. My goal in life is to become a novelist.

Over the years, I've written a number of novels, and (stupid me), I've never tried to get one of them published. I've made a goal, however. This year, I'm going to try.

I write a number of genres; recently, I've been working on a fiction novel that is currently a work-in-progress. I've written historical fiction, and also, I have tried to take a whack writing plays, musicals, etc. Let's just say, that was a bit of a failure.

I also tried my best to write a fantasy novel. It seems like the whole world is obsessed with vampires, witches, warlocks, demons, and zombies right about now, so why not go for the product that people will want to buy? Well, because I can't write about vampires. I have no idea where to begin...it's just too much for me. That is one thing I will never be; a fantasy writer.

I'd much rather stick to fiction, please and thank you.

Anyways, besides trying to get published, I lead a pretty normal life. I surround myself by wonderful friends who I heart more than anything. I have an amazing family who I care about and love very much. I even have a rascally little Yorkie named Spirit, and he is five fluffy pounds of pure joy. He's just about eight years old; it's amazing how time has flown!

I mentioned how much I love music. It is the air I breathe, and the wind beneath my wings! I don't know what life would be like without Athlete-my favorite band-Adele, Kate Voegele, The Honorary Title, The Boxer Rebellion,  and Wakey!Wakey!. But mostly Athlete.

Eventually, I might post some samples of my work. We'll wait and see...perhaps some poetry? Who knows where life will go!? For now, I'm just going to focus on writing this blog and leading as good a life as I can. For anyone who has taken the time to read these overall pointless ramblings, thank you.

The point of this blog, however, is not to talk about my personal life (as interesting as that probably is to all of you. Note the sarcasm), but instead to make YOUR lives a little better...

Every day, I'll post something to brighten your day. Whether it be a hilarious quote, a cute youtube video, a funny cartoon...whatever.

In the words of my dad, whom I love very much, "If you start the day happy, it will only get better."

I'll try to get you to start your day happily!!!

It's nice to become acquainted. :)